By Published On: July 20, 2021

5 tips to achieve inner peace

Inner peace is a state of harmony that each being finds within himself, demonstrating it in positive attitudes on a daily basis. People who cultivate inner peace demonstrate certain attitudes and behaviours that evidence it. Such as👇

  • enjoyment at all times and places,
  • not judging themselves or others,
  • empathy with all living beings,
  • calm and emotional stability by not showing neither great worries nor great moments of euphoria,
  • allowing the flow of life without forcing things,
  • avoiding or positively managing conflict,
  • joy and gratitude for what one has and
  • the capacity for unconditional love for other human beings.

The Dalai Lama, a great spiritual teacher, states that peace must first develop within the individual.

“Indeed, I am convinced that love, compassion and generosity are the basic foundations of peace. Only when these feelings germinate within the individual is, he or she able to create an atmosphere of peace and harmony.”

The search for inner peace

Hannah Smith from shares her experiences with people seeking inner peace and gives us advice on the subject:

For some time now, when someone comes to me for individual consultation, I always suggest that they make a list of the goals they want to achieve during the individual sessions because apart from being a good guide for me, it also helps the person to focus and identify what they really want to achieve.

There are many people who when I tell them that I will leave them in the room for five minutes so that they can find themselves and identify what they want to achieve, tell me that they have no idea what they want to achieve, that they are in consultation because they want to improve their lives without knowing exactly how. However, I always tell them that I will still leave them alone to do this exercise of personal introspection and that when I come in, if they have not been able to find any objective, we will find it between the two of us.

When I return to the room after five minutes, I have never met anyone who has not made a list of goals. What’s more, I’m sure that if I had taken a little longer to come in, that list would be even longer. I always encourage them to write down everything they feel and not to be afraid to ask and when I enter the room, they smile at me and say ‘look, in the end, there are things I want to achieve.

I also find it curious that regardless of age, sex, religion and any other identity trait, almost all people have exactly the same goals among which perhaps the most important ones are to know oneself and to find/feel inner peace.

As you can see, knowing myself and finding inner peace are very basic and essential goals for the personal fulfilment of any person and yet, from the experience I am living in individual sessions, it is usually one of the main goals of the vast majority of people who come to my office.

Achieving inner peace

That is why I have decided to write this article, with the aim of sharing the steps that all the people who come to my practice to help them find inner peace, are putting into practice with great results. They are the following:

1. Pay attention only to those things that give you positive energy.

Nowadays we have a lot of stimuli constantly and it is very easy to get distracted by superficial things that do not really bring us anything more than a waste of time. That is why it is very important to distinguish between those things or stimuli that give us energy because they bring us something positive or something that we need at this moment and the stimuli that wear us out and take away energy because they do not bring us anything positive but energy, physical and emotional wear.

2. Live only in the present moment

The present moment is only the moment that is existing here and now. It is only what is happening at this moment and everything that is outside of it simply does not exist except in our mind or in our imagination. There is only the here and now, the present. If you manage to train yourself with the objective of being only in the present moment without being carried away by the ghosts of the past or the fears of the future, you will only be able to have that inner peace so longed for that many of you are looking for.

3. Learn to stay in your centre

This is a direct consequence that you will achieve as you master point 2. Your centre is in your heart and is represented by everything that makes you vibrate and connect with your true essence. People who have managed to find their centre, nothing or no one can move them and when something or someone moves them, they have enough awareness to realize it, focus on their heart and return again to their centre where nothing or no one can disturb them.

4. Overcome your fears

Identify the fears and concerns that take you out of your centre and overcome them. If we are truly in our centre, nothing and no one can take us out of it, but an important step to achieve this is to identify our fears and overcome them!

5. Learn to be yourself

Learning to be yourself without the consequences of manifesting your true greatness and all your power is another very important point to find inner peace and learn to stay in our centre because if you really connect with yourself and live day by day from the heart and in connection with your true essence, you will have the opportunity to live in a continuous state of connection and inner peace.

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