Be The Architect Of Your LIFE

By Published On: June 21, 2024

Become the Architect of your Life with NLP

👉Have you ever wondered🤔 how would it be YOU to BE in control of your LIFE❓

👉How would you like to SEE🧐 the positive impact you create in your life and in the relationships you have?❓


👉 How important would be to you and how would you FEEL to get clarity in your life NOW❓

Now, imagine💭 that you went through life like you had a mask on your EYES and you couldn`t see anything around or….

Just think how many voices existed in your mind🧠 every day, voices which didn’t belong to you…they were voices of all the people around you which had such a high volume that your INNER VOICE could barely whisper and this…this could make you FEEL that you were in a place you didn`t BELONG to.

You live in several environments and these environments put a lot of layers on you over the years.

So, the question is who do you really are?

NLP techniques help you to remove all the layers which are not yours, to clean yourself and to shed your old skins and it is a wonderful thing because this is how you start to BE THE ARCHITECT OF YOUR LIFE now…and we all want to be the ones who choose the DESIGN of our own lives, right?

You will see that once you tap into it, you will discover that NLP is beyond what you believe it is.

The NLP acronym means:

  • N: Neuro (Neurological Processes) –The human nervous system (conscious and unconscious mind) and the 5 senses, through which you experience the world. The mind consists of 95% subconscious mind, and 5% conscious mind. If you want to change your life, you have a 95% greater chance if you change your subconscious mind.
  • L: Linguistic (Language) – The world is made of words and if you know the words the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish (Terence Mckenna). Words are not just descriptive, but the words, in fact, are GENERATIVE. The words we use to describe reality can be used to engender reality, they can DISCLOSE reality. Words are incantations, they are spells. To speak means to enact an incantation, right? So, as you recite, therefore you BECOME. We are made of language and this concept is instantiated even in our biology. Our genes are software programs. So, take responsibility for this metaphysical tool. Employ language with intention and BECOME an author of reality (Jason Silva).
  • P: Programming (Experiential Behaviors) –the ability to discover how to use your neurological systems and the language in order to achieve your goals.

How does it work?

👉We attract what we are💯.

👉 We are what we repeatedly think, feel, and do.

Therefore, excellence is not an act, but a habit.

I like to say that the mind🧠 is like a garden. If we want to reap positive results, we need to be aware of what we sow and since the unconscious mind represents 95%, we need to make sure it is CLEAN. And by clean, I mean that the unconscious mind is free of negative emotions and limiting decisions, thus supporting us to achieve the goals set up by the conscious mind.

LOVE❤ can enter only when we are FREE of FEAR. We are very lucky nowadays to have the Time Line Therapy® Technique ( by Dr. Tad James. This technique helps us release the negative emotions & the limiting decisions from the unconscious mind and to consciously create our future from an elevated state.

Therefore, by:

  • taking full responsibility for what we think, feel and do and
  • expanding our model of the world and
  • being ecologic in what we do and
  • focusing on what we want, not on what we don’t want and
  • cleaning our subconscious mind of negative emotions and limiting decisions

💫💫we develop and access new resources, improve self-confidence, gain inner strength, and learn to accept, forgive & love ourselves💗💗

Read how NLP has helped people to architect the life they dream of👇

“I woke up one day and realized that everything is black, nothing is mine, not my life, not my choices, not my behaviors, not even my pleasures. That is when I met Madalina. That is when I met NLP. That is when I started learning to take control of my decisions, my behaviors, my life. NLP taught me to accept what I cannot control, search inside me for what I want, act upon my desires. Using NPL Madalina guided me into the depts of my fears, taught me how to see the light of my soul and brought me out as a different person, a stronger person, an empowered person. Now I have power, now I have control, not on the world but on myself. Now I am reborn.”

Cosmin, Software developer, Romania


“Are you fully prepared to heal and let go of the problem?” was Madalina’s first question when starting the breakthrough process. I clearly remember that I said a firm and honest “Yes” … and so it happened.

Having the experience of a breakthrough, done with a transparent and honest coach, is ground-breaking. Having the experience of a breakthrough with Madalina is life-changing. While deciding to experience NLP coaching sessions, it is very important to make sure that you are finding the coach that is matching your profile, can guide you whole-heartedly and is willing to give you all her “secrets” for you to succeed in the amazing journey that is following a breakthrough.

Madalina has all the “ingredients” of an amazing coach. She is incredibly flexible and can adapt to any person, understand every client, and listen open-heartedly. She is empathetic and trustworthy, honest, and transparent, gentle, and firm at the same time. Her structured way of building a coaching session always leads to success stories… just like mine 😊

Having to struggle with cervical dystonia for more than one year (out of control movements of the neck and head) is not a common problem nor an easy life. Madalina put herself to my service so I could find my inner source by leading an incredible session of a breakthrough. She understood from the start that it is an extremely sensitive “problem” that must be treated as such and found the perfect NLP instruments to dissolve the problem. She is carefully monitoring her clients after the sessions, making sure that they are on the right path. My life changed radically since and I am having frequent moments of awareness that are “connecting the dots” and offering structure in every-day life.

I am extremely grateful for the chance that I was given not just to meet Madalina as a person but also to have her in my life as a guiding light when everything seemed to be sinking.

No one is promising that life after a breakthrough will be easier, but it is definitely brighter.

NLP is not something you do for someone. NLP is something we do together.”

Bernadett, HR Specialist, Romania

“Madalina is one of the most wonderful people that I ever met in my life. She is full of life and positive energy. When I reached out to her I was overwhelmed and felt that I will hardly find a solution for the issue. She believed in me from the beginning more than I could believe in myself at that time. First, she prepared me to solve the problem by myself and she knew how to guide me in front of my real problem and changed the way I saw the problem into a new perspective. She showed me how to focus on the positive side and be grateful for what I have in my life right now. After the breakthrough, my days were full of sunshine because even though our sessions ended, I applied the tasks that she gave me. Madalina has great values about people, love, and family. One of the most important is that she won’t influence you to make a decision about your life, but she will help you dig down in yourself and find the best decision that makes you happy. What I learned from her is that what is important/right for me might not be important or right for you. She is guiding you in finding the best decisions for yourself that make you happy.”

Daiana, student, Germany


“The NLP brought me a different pace and a different vision of life. “Perception is projection” became one of my life principles which I apply daily and through which I managed to overcome the anxiety I had been suffering for a very long time.

Another important aspect I embodied in my daily life and which helps me a lot is putting the “cause” and “effect” in balance and through this process, I become aware of the choices I make and if they serve me or not.

For me, NLP is not therapy. NLP is a lifestyle, is taking responsibility for the life I ​​choose to live.”

Anda, Austria


NLP is a sublime journey of Becoming.

Madalina Albu


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Written by : Deepika Seksaria

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