What are BELIEFS?

By Published On: June 21, 2024


šŸ‘‡Few questions (asked by Deepika Seksaria), answered byĀ Ā CHRISTIAN GHARZANI


But still, I donā€™t know why this..Ā how can someone escape to do what he/she is so
passionate about?
IĀ  am so keen to have this answer coz the same happens in my lifeā€¦ Still happeningā€¦ I
m so passionate about reading Spiritual stuff and publishing it at my own website but
Somehow Always lack time to do thisā€¦Ā And feel bad for not giving timeĀ to my passionā€¦
and itā€™s not just my passion anymoreā€¦ I feel it is the purpose of my lifeā€¦ Purpose of my
existence in this lifetimeā€¦


In order to understand the why and the how of all this, you need to understand what beliefs are.

Beliefs are a strong conviction in a certain idea, in a certain concept.

Letā€™s take an examplešŸ‘‡

It is said that drinking coffeeā˜•Ā at night (can) causes sleep disorder or prevents you from sleeping well or will keep you awake because of its caffeine.
For some, itā€™s even in the afternoon that its effect will start; for others, they can have their cup of coffee at 10h00pm and sleep at 11h00pm or even at midnight and they will sleep very well!

How is that possibleā“

Why caffeine affected some and not othersā“

Its a fact that caffeine is present in the coffee, so why there is no effect all the time? Or it works, or it doesnā€™t! It can not work sometimes and at other times, it doesnā€™t! So where is the change happeningā“

In the persons themselves, itā€™s obvious!

Now, physiologically speaking, we are all the same, we all have the same organs. Why theĀ ā€œresponseā€Ā of each person is differentā“

Wellā€¦ it lies only in the character.

And what makes the character of a personā“

TheĀ ā€œdataā€; he accumulates, right?

A character is something that is built and is always able to change.

(I know about geneticsā€¦ about heredityā€¦ I knowā€¦ but scientists got it completely wrongšŸ™. But itā€™s fine, it is their experience and they need it. Anyway, this is another topicā€¦)

The character of a person isĀ ā€œbuiltā€Ā from his country, his religion (if any), his family, his circle of friends, his school, his university, his environment, work, society, etcā€¦ PLUS all that he has experienced before: hisĀ past (parallel) lives.

So, with the power of his will and his mind, the person decides that caffeine will affect him or will not affect him, according to his character (to what he has ā€œaccumulatedā€ as information).


Just by believing that it will or that it will not! Itā€™s that simple! Just by giving it a meaning, a definition, a tag, a reason, an explanation.

Why he has chosen this meaning or the other oneā“

Because it makes sense for him.

And why it makes sense for himā“

Because it resonates with him.

It resonates with whatā“

With what is true for him, with what is right, with what is correct, with what makes him feel good, safe, secure.

Now, in general, this specific kind of belief is not a ā€œroot beliefā€.

A root belief is the very first belief which can remain alone and ā€œdo its workā€, or can be related to other beliefs.

There is ALWAYS a root belief.

Now, when this root belief starts to have ramifications (other beliefs), this whole ā€œthingā€ forms what is called aĀ ā€œpatternā€.

And, of course, when a belief should be changed, we should always go to the root belief, otherwise, there will be no change in anything, orā€¦ slight changes.

Sometimesā€¦ in some cases, a non-root belief can lead to the root one. Once found, and if we are ready, we change it.


Just by deciding to change it!

Change it = give it another definition. Thatā€™s it! Period. It is that simple!

And if youā€™re asking how to find the root belief (cuz youā€™re asking this now, heheā€¦), just by digging within yourself and asking the following questionšŸ‘‡

ā€œWhat am I believing in, to have this experience?ā€

The answer will come.

It might come swiftly or it might take some time. And this (the answer) depends on how honest and transparent you are with yourselfĀ when you asked the question, and on the power of your willĀ at the moment the question was askedĀ and on your readiness.

When you ask, you just ā€œthrow the questionā€, so to speak. I mean: Just ask!Ā Andā€¦ throw it!


Ask and donā€™t mind (worry) about how and/or when the answer will come, AT ALL! AT ALL!

No expectations AT ALL!

Your readiness: If you need to experience more of this ā€œthingā€ (for your own growth -and this, your higher self holds the decision) or not. If youā€™ve experienced ā€œenoughā€ of it, the answer will come in any way, shape, or form; and if you need to experience more of it, you wonā€™t get an answer.

Now, donā€™t be discouraged by this, believe me,Ā many, many beliefs are found! In fact, most of themā€¦ if not all.

Letā€™s go back to our coffeeā˜•Ā timeā€¦ lolšŸ˜€

Is this person aware that he has a belief system telling him that coffee wonā€™t make him sleepā“

Of course not.

Does this person understand why coffee affects him and does not affect othersā“

Of course not.

Is this person doing this on purpose to himselfā“

Of course not.

Though he likes coffeeā˜•, and he would love to have one, but he canā€™t, he wouldnā€™t sleep well at nightā€¦ His belief is so anchored in him, that he feels it as ā€œpart of himā€. He sees it as normal. He might blame his biological structure geneticsā€¦ heredityā€¦ his parentsā€¦ etcā€¦ or the coffee itself, lolā€¦ or maybe itā€™s his destinyā€¦ maybe itā€™s Godā€™s willā€¦

For him, it happens in an ā€œautomaticā€ way, so to speak. This is how it isā€¦ Thatā€™s my lifeā€¦ thatā€™s meā€¦ Iā€™m like thisā€¦

Of course, Iā€™m referring here to a (very) non ā€“ aware person.

To reply to your question ā€œBut still i donā€™t know why this.. how can someone escape toĀ do what he/she is so passionate aboutā€¦.ā€

Itā€™s the same for this passionate person.Ā He definitely has a belief that is preventing him from acting on his passion.

Again, the same procedure/technique: he should ask himselfĀ ā€œWhat is preventing me from acting on my highest excitement? What am I believing in, to have this experience?ā€

A belief, a strong conviction in something, is an awesome tool for our growth.

If you want to do something. anythingā€¦ you need to be convinced in order to do it, or else, you wouldnā€™t do it!

You canā€™t do it by force, right?

You want to KNOW why you do it. You want to know WHY.

What will give you an answer, what will convince you, what will comfort you,Ā what will make you feel safe while doing it, is a belief, and a strong one,Ā of course.

The more ā€œstrongā€, the more convincing it is, and so the more you will do what you have to do with ease. And you will have no problem at all while doing it, even if the whole planetšŸŒĀ is against you.

For you, it is true, it is correct.

About ā€œIĀ  am so keen to have this answer coz the same happens in my lifeā€¦ Still happeningā€¦ I m so passionate about reading Spiritual stuff and publishing it at my own website but Somehow Always lack time to do thisā€¦ And feel bad for not giving time to my passion.. and its not just my passion anymoreā€¦ I feel it is the purpose of my lifeā€¦
Purpose of my existence in this lifetime..ā€

Lack of timeā€¦ but this is not a problem. I do have the same problem tooā€¦ lolšŸ˜‰.

We should find a compromise between family-work-our passion, there is no other way. Butā€¦ I think youā€™re doing it and itā€™s working perfectly fine, no? Remember, you have a family to take care of. You have your kidsā€¦ your husbandā€¦ cookingā€¦ your everyday tasks at homeā€¦ friendsā€¦ social lifeā€¦ personal time (time to stay alone, if you feel the need)ā€¦ maybe doing some exerciseā€¦

Unlessā€¦ you have a belief which says ā€œI should do it all the timeā€¦ full timeā€¦ alwaysā€¦ nonstopā€¦ the more I do it, the more Iā€™ll have infoā€¦ and the more I have info, the more Iā€™ll understand thingsā€¦ and this will help me in my growthā€¦ Cuz I want to thriveā€¦ I want to evolveā€¦ nowā€¦ sooner the betterā€¦

When we act on our passion, it does not mean that we should devote all our time for it.

Wanting to devote all our time for it, if ā€œdecorticatedā€, means: I donā€™t see myself as powerful, I need to do moreā€¦ always moreā€¦ Iā€™m never satisfiedā€¦ I donā€™t know where and when to put limits for the timeā€¦

Here is how acting on our passion, is ā€œrecommendedā€ to be done: See what unfolds in front of us andĀ act on our highest excitement.

See what opportunities we have in front of us, and act accordingly. If two opportunities are presented,Ā pick the one that excites you the most.

It goes without saying: regardless of its nature, how it looks like. Donā€™t say ā€œItā€™s sillyā€¦ Why now? How this could serve me? What people might sayā€¦ā€

Here is also another way: Wait to see what will unfold in front of us, what is going to be presented to us.

Waitā€¦ not really in the sense of ā€œwaitingā€ā€¦ kind of ā€œexpectingā€ something to happenā€¦ no.

šŸ‘‰Waiting in the sense of, being in a neutral state (not expecting) and see/discover what will be presented, what will be shown to us.Ā What will happen, will happenā€¦ in this sense.

And, if possible, seeing each situation as a new opportunity, as a new discovery, as a new exploration, as a new ā€œchanceā€ to changeā€¦


Because, not doing so, would be expecting something to come upā€¦ and waiting for it. And if we are expecting somethingā€¦ it means we are relying on somethingā€¦ which is nothing but a belief.

While we know that what is recommended, is to not expect (no more relying on beliefs) and trust that anything which will show up can only be for our own good because itā€™s coming from our higher source which has the big picture. And also, that this higher source can never harm itself (because I am part of it). So, how could it harm us?
(Higher source = soulā€¦ higher selfā€¦ Godā€¦ it doesnā€™t matterā€¦)

Youā€™re saying itā€™s not your passion anymore. Are you sure? Maybe it is still your passion, but BECAUSE you are not able to give it the NECESSARY time (that YOU have fixed, according to a certain standard, a certain belief), you preferred to change it.

ORā€¦ it is really not your passion anymore, which is perfectly okay.Ā Passions are not always meant to last a whole life.Ā They can last from a few seconds (doing something very exciting for just a few seconds or minutes) to a whole life.

In conclusion, beliefs are extremely important. They are the basis of everything. They are so important that our experiences are based on them. It is impossible to grow without them.

If the following question is raised ā€œWhere do beliefs come from?ā€

šŸ‘‰Beliefs come from the OneĀ šŸ’Æ

ThisĀ OneĀ is our source.

It is experiencing/exploring/knowing itself THROUGH each one of us. Each one of us is like a ā€œportionā€ of this One. Hence, we are linked and related. We feel as if we were disconnected, but this EXPERIENCE of disconnection is ā€œallowedā€ on purpose in order to play our role ā€œproperlyā€.

Once we REALLY trust this whole process, we understand that finally, we are the ones distributing these beliefs to ourselves and that it has NOT been ā€œimposedā€ in any way by someone else. And if we have put them, we can change them.

If another question is raised ā€œWhat to do when I see someone ā€œstuckā€ in his beliefs?ā€

I respect him because he is a creation of the One, as I am. I respect his ā€œpositionā€ (where he is) in the spiritual path. I respect his pace. I donā€™t blame him (and no one is to be blamed in whatsoever case, never, everā€¦).

šŸ‘‰Ā The best thing you can do is to be yourself.

When you act as who you really are, just by acting, just by being, just by your presence, you will ā€œemanateā€, you will radiate certain energy, certain vibes (which he will catch, whether he is aware of them or not).

When you do this, you will present your ultimate, your pure, your best ā€œaspectā€ of yourself.

He will ā€œtakeā€ from it what he NEEDS to take. He can ONLY, RECEIVE what is he ABLE/READY to receive.

Remember, he has his own experiences and his own pace and his readiness does not come from him. Wanting or expecting anything else than this (only what he is able to take), is ā€œnot goodā€ for him and neither for you.

Technically, doing this, at any degree, would in fact send a thought-form with its intention, which will stick to him (to one or more of his energetic bodies) AND to you. And this thought-form, having its own intelligence, will start to grow; and no one knows how it will endā€¦ (Of course, it will depend on the interaction between the nature of the seeds (ā€œpoints of intentionā€) you sent and the seeds he has.

What you can do, is imagine him HOW YOU WANT HIM TO BE.Ā Imagine him in the state you would like to see himĀ in. This will do for both of you. It will serve you both.

šŸ‘‰Ā We have been gifted with extreme power:Ā the power of choice. We have the CHOICE to choose between ā€œpositiveā€ and ā€œnegativeā€ beliefs. We can DECIDE what to choose.

By deciding, we will see and experience the results of our choices. We will understand that WE are the choosers and that we are NOT the victims of anyone elseā€™s choice. And the best way to fully grasp any choice is to experience it ourselves.

I hope this helped you, and thank you for asking. Thank you also for your presence.
PS: One dayā€¦ when you will fully grasp everythingā€¦ you will cry of joy when you will
see (experience) the HUGENESS of everything and its perfection. You will experience
who you are, who the ā€œothersā€ are and you will be ā€œcompelledā€ to see these ā€œothersā€ as
you; and you will ā€œunderstandā€ that you cannot NOT love them. You will love them as
you loved* yourself.

(ā€œLovedā€ and not ā€œloveā€, because you ALREADY have started to realize who you truly
are. This is self-realization)
And now, I will end with thisšŸ˜šŸ‘

Atma NamastešŸ™

Christian Gharzani

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Written by : Deepika Seksaria

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