Use These 6 NLP Techniques Regularly To Enhance your Impact

By Published On: June 20, 2024

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is frequently referred to as the brain’s user manual. It teaches you how your brain functions and how to intentionally use various NLP techniques to attain your desired outcomes and goals.

What Does NLP Stand For?

Neuro implies having to do with the neural system, therefore the N. Our neurological processes are influenced by the information we get from our senses.

👉 Language is the subject of the L, which stands for linguistics. It describes the way we encode our thoughts and the data we gather from the environment; it also describes how we communicate our thoughts and ideas to others, both in words and in the manner they speak (voice tone, rhythm, speed).

👉 The P, which stands for “programming,” here stands for routines. It demonstrates how we may train our bodies and minds to respond to different internal and external stimuli in order to get better outcomes and build new habits.

In order to explain how language’s social function affects people’s behavior, neuro-linguistic programming connects the neurological processes of the brain. Through easy-to-use techniques, it can assist you in controlling your thoughts, realizing your potential, and accomplishing your goals.

In other words, altering your speech will automatically change the way you think and act. Similar to how changing a thought pattern affects language and behavior, so does change a thought pattern.

NLP techniques have the power to completely change the way you perceive the world.

Learn which NLP strategies can help you better your personal and professional lives by reading on.

1- Rephrase Your Past

Many people experience suffering as a result of their tendency to cling to the hurts of the past.

As our brain can detect when we lie to ourselves or simply because our subconscious mind doesn’t trust us when we say “I let it go” or “it doesn’t pain me anymore,” affirmations rarely work in this situation.

✔️ Reframing your past is the best strategy for preventing it from holding you back. “There is no failure, only feedback,” is a saying you can affirm regularly, to sum up what refrain means. Once you begin to live your life in accordance with this maxim, it has a profoundly positive impact. You can’t beat yourself up because of it, so you can’t get over your failure fear!

What if we responded in a more neutral manner and just took the opportunity to learn from our mistakes?

People who have endured trauma frequently employ this strategy. Yes, what transpired to them was unfair, but by considering the situation from a different angle, they can overcome their sense of helplessness and cease perceiving themselves as victims. They discover how to reframe their narrative in a way that works for them.

2- Modify your worldview

Since early childhood, we begin building our own map of assumptions, beliefs, and opinions. These ideas inform and influence how we live our daily lives. Most of the time, our ideas are so ingrained in our reality and routine that we are not even conscious of them. They just appear to be “the way things have always been.” However, if we pause for a moment and begin to examine why we behave in the way that we do, a belief underlies everything.

Beliefs influence our behavior, and the actions we take have an impact on the results.

Each of us has a complicated system of ideas and presumptions inside our heads, some of which we have inherited from the society we were raised in and others of which we have developed independently.

Beliefs make up a person’s distinctive worldview.

The issue with beliefs is that some of them may be restricting us and preventing us from realizing our full potential.

We’ve all heard limiting statements, such as “I don’t have enough time or money to pursue my passion” or “I am not good enough,” “I am not pretty enough,” or “I am not slender enough.” The list could go on and on. Because they have so many restricting beliefs in their minds, most people quit dreaming or never begin their projects.

✔️ Start by examining the motivations behind your choices and identifying the fundamental principles that guide your behavior every day.

Do your beliefs help you advance in life or do they just keep you stuck in a rut?

✔️ Determine which ones are counterproductive to your development, then acknowledge, combat, and replace them with new ones.

To achieve your goals, keep in mind that there is never a single, correct, or predetermined way to act or perceive the world. Instead, you must find your own path. Be flexible and open-minded.

3- Establish Quick Connections

✔️ Using the NLP technique of mirroring, you may establish rapport and establish bonds with anyone.

It involves imitating the other person’s actions when you are speaking to them. It is quite difficult for someone to detest you when you are mirroring them on an unconscious level.

Mirror the body language of the person you are speaking to. You can imitate and match their posture, gestures, and other body languages. Match their level of energy if they have a lot of it. Reflect on their relaxed body language if you notice it. Even your word choice can be modified to fit their language.

Because you are like them, the other person will instantly find you to be more trustworthy.

You must exercise prudence when using mirroring. The other individual shouldn’t be aware of what you are doing. Take action that mirrors and matches your subject a few seconds later.

4- Maintain Emotional Control

How can we restore calm and motivation on “bad days” when we simply feel down and unmotivated? This is more likely to occur on our busiest days.

Since it is essential for your success to learn how to encourage yourself, achieve mental calmness, or just restore emotions of happiness, the anchoring technique can be very helpful and very handy also.

✔️ This technique is crucial for conjuring up a specific emotion or placing yourself in a specific frame of mind. It functions by connecting feeling to movements.

For instance, if you wish to regain motivation, you may begin by recalling instances when you were successful and really motivated. Go into great detail and consider how it felt. Recall the event, the emotions it evoked, the sights, sounds, and scents, as well as the environment and your activities. It ought to be possible for you to “watch it in your brain.”

5- Better Communication

✔️ You must first learn to listen better if you wish to communicate more effectively.

We speak too much without even attempting to hear what the other person has to say. We don’t really care about what other people are saying to us; we just want to communicate our own thoughts and opinions.

Start focusing on the language being used by the other person. Understanding the personality of the person you are speaking to will help you communicate with them more effectively.

Some people respond better to visual cues, so you need to use pictures and images to make your point; other people need to hear the information to really get it; and some people need to feel something before they can fully comprehend it.

NLP can show you how to quit concentrating on yourself while talking to other people. The other person will notice and value that once you shift your focus from yourself.

You and the other party’s level of trust will increase as the connection does as well.

6- Fix Your Issues

You end yourself giving more attention to the wrong and unwanted things than the things you genuinely want when you pay attention to your troubles.

If you only think about your difficulties, you’ll find yourself searching for their causes and symptoms. You may never achieve your goals as a result of these regressions.

✔️ The “Outcome Frame” asks you to consider events in the context of the objectives or goals you have set for yourself. Go backward to discover how to accomplish your goals after focusing initially on the outcome.

You must begin posing inquiries to yourself in order for the Outcome Frame to function, such as:

  • What do I desire?
  • What makes me want it?
  • How can I get these outcomes?
  • What tools do I need to get the outcomes I want?

The brain searches for solutions to reach that goal as a result of this shift in focus.


By using specific methods and approaches, you can access your subconscious and rewire your mind to think more positively. This is known as neurolinguistic programming. NLP can be a useful practice to help you better your life if you want to be the best at what you do and you want to realize your goals and dreams.

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Written by : Deepika Seksaria

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